New governance board and working parties will represent business sectors

Voluntary scheme for Island retailers and mainland businesses will also be launched

Isle of Wight tourism businesses have voted YES to bring a business improvement district into operation on the Isle of Wight this September. The YES vote was carried by a 63% vote and 75% by rateable value of all those who voted. All business categories listed in the WIGHT BID proposal will now be required to pay the equivalent of 1.75% of their rateable value, which will contribute to the funding of the BID programme for a period of five years.

The WIGHT BID will see the formation of the UK’s first county-wide BID, designed to give the Isle of Wight a unified stronger voice in tourism at a local, regional and national level. Over the next three months Visit Isle of Wight will begin the process of developing a BID governance board and working parties, elected from levy payers large and small, representing different visitor economy business sectors. A voluntary scheme to encourage retailers and other mainland and Island suppliers to support the BID investment plan will also be launched by September.

Meanwhile Visit Isle of Wight’s summer and autumn current marketing and press activity continues as planned. Work will also commence on securing extra commercial benefits for levy-payers with suppliers and regional, national and international media channels.

“Visit Isle of Wight would like to thank all those who supported the WIGHT BID, and reinforce its determination to do its very best for the whole of the Island’s visitor economy, benefiting all who live and work on the Isle of Wight. David Thornton and his team look forward to delivering the actions and aims laid out in the WIGHT BID proposals ready for the 2017 season.”

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